Isoform-specific Protein Quantification

Isoform-specific Protein Quantification

Protein isoforms are difficult to distinguish using commercially available antibodies. In contrast, mass spectrometry enables isoform identification by detecting isoform-specific unique peptides.

Combined with a well designed QconCAT reference standard, we provide you with quantitative data for highly similar protein isoforms.

We offer:

Title of the document
  1. Differentiation between wild type, mutants and splice variants
  2. Comprehensive data analysis workflows


Absolute quantification of protein expression of a wild type protein (WT) and isoforms (V1, V2) at different time points after treatment of the host organism.

Example 2:

Your advantage

Ultra-sensitive detection with high-end instruments

Protein analysis with high sensitivity and specificity


You receive

Comprehensive analysis, performed and evaluated by experienced professionals

Customized solutions, tailored for your research project


For more information, assistance and support you can contact us:

E-Mail: info[at]

Phone: +49 (0)9405 96999 10

Fax: +49 (0)9405 96999 28

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