Cov-MS2 peptide standard

Cov-MS2 peptide standard

Peptide standard for mass spectrometry detection and absolute quantification of SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A/B and RSV, co-developed by PolyQuant and the University of Ghent.


Order Number Product description
PQ-CS-3500 SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, RSV MS Standard, 15N-labeled, complete protein
show package sizes and pricing information
Order Number Package size Price (€)
PQ-CS-3501 150 µg 370.00
PQ-CS-3502 500 µg 990.00
PQ-CS-3503 1000 µg 1,900.00
PQ-CS-3510 SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, RSV MS Standard, 15N-labeled, peptide mix
show package sizes and pricing information
Order number Package size Price (€)
PQ-CS-3511 150 µg 390.00
PQ-CS-3512 500 µg 1,090.00
PQ-CS-3513 1000 µg 2,090.00
PQ-CS-3520 SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, RSV MS Standard, unlabeled, complete protein
show package sizes and pricing information
Order Number Package size Price (€)
PQ-CS-3521 150 µg 370.00
PQ-CS-3522 500 µg 990.00
PQ-CS-3523 1000 µg 1,900.00
PQ-CS-3530 SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, RSV MS Standard, unlabeled, peptide mix
show package sizes and pricing information
Order number Package size Price (€)
PQ-CS-3531 150 µg 390.00
PQ-CS-3532 500 µg 1,090.00
PQ-CS-3533 1000 µg 2,090.00

Order Information

To place your order, please contact us directly through:


Phone: +49 (0)9405 96999 10

Or Fax: +49 (0)9405 96999 28

Product Information

PolyQuant’s PQ-Cov-MS-2 peptide standard facilitates diagnosis of common respiratory infections in gargle solution or nasopharyngeal swabs with high accuracy and sensitivity through mass spectrometry.

The PQ-Cov-MS-2 peptide standard is based on PolyQuant’s proprietary QconCAT technology, providing 59 peptides as unlabelled or as heavy isotope labelled artificial protein to be released by protease treatment with trypsin during sample preparation.

PQ-Cov-MS-2 protein information

The 76.67 kDa synthetic protein comprises peptides for the SARS-CoV-2 nuclear capsid protein (NCAP), Influenza A and B NCAP and matrix protein (MP) and the human respiratory syncytial virus A MP and phosphoprotein (PP). Additionally, the synthetic protein comprises synthetic peptides for workflow calibration and standardisation (complementing product: RePLiCal, PQ-CS-1561).


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Our prices are net prices, i.e. they do not contain value added taxes or customs fees. These taxes have to be paid by the customer.
Our products are usually shipped 1-2 business days after receiving the order.
Delivery costs depend on destination and packaging (either on dry ice or ambient temperature shipping).

For questions please contact us.

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