Calibration standards for proteomics

Calibration standards for proteomics

Comprehensive standardization of MS and HPLC instrumentations, for all commonly employed platforms and settings for proteomics research

Mass spectrometry instrumentations require routine calibration to ensure stable performance.

Our peptide calibration standards cover a broad range of masses and distinct chemical properties and allow assessment of instrument and workflow performance. The calibration standard kits are available as ready-to-use peptide mix or as complete protein that can be processed with the sample, allowing to monitor workflow performance at very early stages.


Retention time standard for HPLC instrument calibration
  • Predict normalized retention time even over extended analysis time
  • Schedule selected reaction monitoring (SRM) experiments
  • Test trapping column performance


Mass spectrometry (MS) calibration standard
  • Determine and optimise instrument resolution
  • Evaluate the linearity of signal detection in different MS instruments
  • Assess peptide modification

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